Chris' Favourite Game

Ruby vs Sapphire
No other game has such a lasting effect on me as Pokémon. Both Ruby and Sapphire were released alongside each other in 2003 and were almost identical, other than the legendary Pokémon and the story to suit.
In my previous introduction I stated that I had received a Game-boy Advance SP for my 7th birthday, well it came with two games, FIFA, and Pokémon Sapphire. My brother, 1 year my junior, who shares a birthday with me also got a Game-boy Advance SP for his birthday, along with two games, Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon Ruby. So there we were, two brothers with almost identical games, received at the same time, on the same devices at a point in our lives when other than school there wasn't much to do. This started exactly what you would imagine, the biggest yet fairest competition we have ever had, who was, the Pokemaster. This brought about an innate desire to out-do each other, finding ways to get the upper-hand. Later pooled out money together to buy wireless connectors (right), so that we could verse each other, which ended about as you would imagine also, countless rematches and A key feature to the Game-boy Advance SP was, for the first time ever, a hand-held console with a Back-lit screen, meaning gaming in the dark when we were meant to be asleep was no longer an issue. This game, and the rivalry that fuelled me playing it, was the first time there had ever been a console in my house. Although I rarely have the time to play video games anymore, the countless hours sent on those cemented the place that gaming would have in my life.

Content Used
*Pokemon Sappphire -
*Pokemon Ruby -
GBA wireless adaptor -

 - Chris


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